Regret Nothing

Thanks again to Keii for enlightening me on Living Life to the Fullest. One thing in particular that he stated in his reply that truly sticks with me is "Regret nothing." WOW! That is quite possibly the best advice I have never thought of giving. So I think about that a lot. To regret nothing. And I try not to regret anything anymore, and I find my attitude is that much more positive, and I am truly that much more happy...with life...with everything around me.

To me, no regrets means much more than simply not regretting or feeling bad for anything you've done. And it is by no means a safegaurd from making mistakes in life. Everybody makes mistakes. Not regretting those mistakes means learning from them. Don't sit there and wish it never happened. Don't look back at what you should have done differently. I have made this mistake so many times. Let me tell you, it's gotten me nowhere. Regretting where I went wrong with, well, my last serious relationship, has only gotten me depression and (at least) one more person to hate me. So it makes sense that to move on is to stop the feelings of regret for where it went wrong. No, you shouldn't wish it happened differently, because as far as I know nothing can grant that wish. Instead learn from it. Know how you will do it differently next time. That's what's so good about experience, after all--the knowledge of how to treat similar situations.

Also, regretting nothing involves trying to avoid regretful situations. This requires some thought, and I know that process is very difficult for some. Before engaging in nearly any activity, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the situation. You need to think, "Will I regret this?" or, "How will this affect my future state of being?" Sounds cheesy, I know. But if you don't go through this process, you will more than likely regret how that situation worked out. Maybe not every time, but one of those times you will. Think about it, you don't regret having sex any of the 300 times you do it. It's fun...feels good...worth the risk, which has been "reduced" (so you think) because of condoms/birth control. No regrets. But when you get that disease or a fetus, it kicks in...hard. You will wish it away. You will wish it had been different. You will regret it. But the damage is done, in some cases irreversible. And in some cases, you don't have a chance to learn from your mistake. If you contract AIDS from sex or drug needles, you're stuck with it. If your alcohol consumption damages your liver, you're stuck with it. That's why it is necessary to think before partaking in nearly any activity. And it's not as difficult or drawn out as it seems. One split second is all it takes for our minds to evaluate situations (well, some longer than others). And that's what that feeling of uncertainty is in those situations--it's your mind telling your body not to. Only you can override that feeling. And that's what needs to be it worth overriding your gut feeling?

I hope somebody reads this and takes something from it. I hope at least one person in the entire world is positively affected by what I have written here. That would be hundreds of mistakes prevented. That will be one smarter, happier, more positive indivdual in the world...and that's what the world needs more of.

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