Keii Kamesura, a good pal of mine, has enlightened me on living life to the fullest. Thank you very much, Keii. You never cease to amaze me with you wisdom.

What is living life to its fullest, right? I'm no expert really, and I'm not going to sit here and try to tell anyone what anything is...I just thought, that I wanted to share my opinion, and that's all it is. It's nothing unique, chances are you've heard it before, my thoughts are rather standard issue, but all the same I wanted to share... What I believe living life to its fullest is. "Live life to its fullest!"... this statement is, yes, indeed, very easy to ignore, as it is blatantly overused, as you yourself said. I think people say this with the intention of telling us to enjoy ourselves and do our best always...and that's kind of what I think it means... To live life to its fullest doesn't mean to do so literally, to violently scratch and claw to make every waking moment an enjoyed one...I think it means, that we take our life, and make it the best. Through constant pleasure? No...constant work? Not at all. As they say, everything needs to be in moderation. I believe the saying means that you work to make your future great -and- enjoy every free moment you have. Work hard, and play hard. Regret nothing. As you said, leave nothing unsaid. Living life to its fullest doesn't mean it should be the most fun life it can be, it doesn't mean it should be the most successful, means it should be the best, period. The best life you can mold it into, by enjoying every moment and planning ahead to make sure you'll still be able to enjoy yourself in the future. I think too many people have to be doing something to enjoy themselves...hell, whether it's drinking or watching TV, whatever... Squeezing the best out of life not only means molding it to be the best, it also means enjoying what you already have. I mean, c'mon, how often do people take breaks at their job, go outside on a clear day, and just say "Work f***ing sucks, and my wife is a b****...". What the hell is that? People should be able to just..look up at the sky on a nice day and not be whining dumbs***s about every god d*** thing that's wrong with their lives. They're too f***ing stupid to even try to be happy, for the love of god. It's a lot like your article on bad moods, yeah? Our bad vibes can ruin other peoples moods whether we choose to or not, and just the same our own bad vibes only spawn more bad feelings inside of ourselves. If you sit there and make the choice to think about all the f***ed up things, of course you're going to be p***ed off. If you ask me, too many people try to make up for their lack of control over their own minds by trying to control the world around them...that's why the world is so ripe with selfish people who have no consideration for the people around them. It all starts in your head. You've got to choose to enjoy every moment, no matter how insignificant. There's just too many dumbs***s out there who don't realize that...if you can't be happy without shaping and changing your surroundings, then the problem isn't in your environment, or in god, or in life... It's ignorant and close minded to think you can only receive true pleasure from one or a few things...A person only denies themself that way.

To live life to its fullest... When you can't do anything, learn to be happy with nothing, or nature, or whatever...When you can do something, go out and have the most fun you can without f***ing with your ability to do anything else...and when you have to do something you don't want to do, do your very best at it, and just grin and bear it without fuss...Have the strength to change the things you can. Have the tolerance to deal with the things you can't. There you are. It's probably all s*** you've heard before...but yeah.

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