The Aftermath @ Columbine High

This is the kind of shit that really makes me sick. We are almost two years past the Columbine shooting and already things are going "back to normal". What I am referring to is an article that I read on a web site while doing research for a project. Visit to read it.

It seems that not one fucking person on the face of the earth knows how to learn from anything. You'd think that people would treat others differently after this type of incident, especially those to whom it happened. Instead you have the "I'm better than you because I'm a cheerleader" people who think that just because someone is different from them that makes them "inferior". Allow me to quote from that article: "...cheerleader Kellie Nelson: 'A school where the jocks cannot freely exclude math geeks, drama fags, goths and other inferiors without fearing for their lives is not the kind of school I want to go to.'" What the hell is that? Who's inferior here? The one's who constantly deal with being picked on and outcast and beat up, or the one's that can't accept that everyone isn't like them? If you ask me, it's the latter. That's the kind of attitude that makes me mourn more for the shooters than the victims. It'll only happen again, as they are bringing it upon themselves (again). They think that they are blanketed by all of their new high-tech security bullshit. There's always a way around it, and I'm sure that if someone wanted to repeat the incident, they would find a way. Maybe you all forget that it can happen outside of school, too. It would probably be much easier, anyway; following the jock home, picking him off when he's alone. You're only bringing it upon yourself. In fact, the only way to stop something like this is to treat people with a little more respect. You don't have to like them. Just respect them as a person. You'd want the same respect in return.

And the teachers--the "role-models" of the students--are obviously doing absolutely nothing to stop this kind of treatment. They are no better than the bullying "In-Crowd" that terrorizes the school. Do they think that now that the police are monitoring everything that it's okay for the kids to make the lives of others a living hell? Do they just not know how to keep their students under control? Do they label the students the same way that the students do? Maybe Columbine needs to re-staff in an effort to find professionals--not other populars--to teach their classes. Quote from the article: "'We thought that the systematic cruelties inflicted on our school's desperate, alienated outcasts would be sufficient,' Mondrian [an administrator] said." Sufficient to what? To keep the "geeks under control"? Sufficient to the social cycle? If you ask me, the only thing it was sufficient for was to provoke the shooting.

It seems as if the school is trying too hard to protect those who really need no protection. How much is this all costing? It's good to know that your money is going to good use! Why don't you pay to protect the kids that beat up your kid? GREAT IDEA! Honestly folks, shouldn't you try to protect the "inferiors" by, I don't know, say KEEPING THOSE FUCKING ASSHOLES UNDER CONTROL?! It makes me sick. This is totally disgusting. They have armed guards watch over cheerleaders as they torment the already outcast members of society. What the hell is that all about? In my school we have a staff that does not condone bullying, but in Columbine it's perfectly okay to torture another student (only if it's an outcast of course. It's apparently forbidden to retaliate). The armed guards might as well help hold the dork's feet as he gets his day's swirly?

One more thing. Why do "authorities" insist on blaming the act on clothing, music, games, etc.? What kind of a scapegoat is that? Are they really in that much denial that it was the fault of the "popular" kids and their craving to mistreat that they have to blame the media? "Isn't America a great country; nobody is responsible for what they do" (Quoted from the motion picture 15 Minutes). The students are now no-longer allowed to wear certain apparel--nothing black, no long coats, no excess eyeliner (unless, of course, you're one of those really slutty cheerleader types. Then it's okay), and nothing related to Marilyn Manson because, of course, he's the reason for everything bad in the world ::sarcasm::--and if they do they are given a choice: either be expelled or dress like a fucking prep. Great. Let's not only steal their pride and self-esteem by fearlessly beating them up and picking on them, but let's take away everything that makes them an individual, because everyone knows that the only way to stop people from thinking differently is by forcing them to be what they don't want to be!

What's it going to take? We've already had a few swift kicks in the ass. Must we keep getting kicked to see that in hurting others we only hurt ourselves? Maybe we should open our eyes. Maybe we shouldn't be so naive in thinking that surveillance equipment is an open door for "safely bullying" others around. Let me close my argument by saying that you Columbine "populars" are fucking stupid. Here you have a gun pointed at your head and you pull the trigger yourselves. You are the exact stereotype of a popular teen--stupid, naive, bad attitude, most likely to be killed. Maybe there's a reason for you to not be able to "freely exclude math geeks, drama fags, goths and other inferiors without fearing for [your] lives". Think about it...hard.

(One final note: Columbine is stressing that if you try to isolate yourself from what's socially "acceptable" then you are subject to expulsion. However, their team mascot is the Rebel, one who resists or defies a generally accepted convention. Isn't that ironic? What a fucking stupid school.)

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